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bffh Daemon (bffhd) - Service

/opt/fabinfra/bffh/target/release/bffhd --help
-c, --config <config>            Path to the config file to use
    --check                      Check config for validity
    --dump                       Dump all internal databases
    --dump-users <FILE>          Dump the users db to the given file as TOML
    --force                      force ops that may clobber
-h, --help                       Print help information
    --load <load>                Load values into the internal databases
    --log-format <log format>    Use an alternative log formatter. Available: Full, Compact,
                                 Pretty [possible values: Full, Compact, Pretty]
    --log-level <log level>      Set the desired log levels.
    --print-default              Print a default config to stdout instead of running
    --quiet                      Decrease logging verbosity
    --tls-key-log [<PATH>...]    log TLS keys into PATH. If no path is specified the value of
                                 the envvar SSLKEYLOGFILE is used.
-v, --verbose                    Increase logging verbosity
-V, --version                    Print version information

Log Levels: siehe Server Logs konfigurieren

DESFire CardKeys erzeugen

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