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30.09.2021 // Config Docs

Config Docs

BFFH uses DHALL for Config-File structure BFFH uses RBAC for access control

General BFFH Config

General BFFH Config is in bffh.dhall file.


Contains the Addresses BFFH is listen for Connection for the API Default Port for BFFH is 59661


listens = 
    { address = "", port = Some 59661 }


Contains the Address for the MQTT Server BFFH connects to Example:

mqtt_url = "tcp://localhost:1883" 


Contains the Path for the internal Database BFFH uses. BFFH will create two files: <db_path> and <db_path>-lock. Make sure that BFFH has write access in the relevant directory Example:

db_path = "/tmp/bffh"


BFFH uses a Path-style string as permission format, separated by ".". So for example this.is.a.permission consists of the parts this, is, a and permission. When requireing permissions, such as in machines you always need to give an exact permission, so for example test.write. When granting permissions, such as in roles you can either give an exact permission or you can use the two wildcards * and +. These wildcards behave similar to regex or bash wildcards:

  • * grants all permissions in that subtree. So, perms.read.* will match for any of:
    • perms.read
    • perms.read.machineA
    • perms.read.machineB
    • perms.read.machineC.manage
  • + grants all permissions below that one. So, perms.read.+ will match for any of:
    • perms.read.machineA
    • perms.read.machineB
    • perms.read.machineC.manage
    • but not perms.read

Wildcards are probably most useful if you group you machines around them, e.g. your 3D-printers and your one bandsaw require:

  1. Write permissions
    • machines.printers.write.prusa.sl1
    • machines.printers.write.prusa.i3
    • machines.printers.write.anycubic
    • machines.bandsaws.write.bandsaw1
  2. Manage permissions
    • machines.printers.manage.prusa.sl1
    • machines.printers.manage.prusa.i3
    • machines.printers.manage.anycubic
    • machines.bandsaws.manage.bandsaw1
  3. Admin permissions
    • machines.printers
      • For all printers
    • machines.bandsaws
      • For all bandsaws

And you then give roles permissions like so:

  • Use any 3D printer:
    • machines.printers.write.+
  • Only allow use of the "cheap" printers
    • machines.printers.write.anycubic.*
    • machines.printers.write.prusa.i3
  • Allow managing of printers:
    • machines.printers.+
  • Allow administrating printers:
    • machines.printers.*

This way if you buy a different anycubic and split the permissions to e.g.

  • machines.printers.write.anycubic.i3
  • machines.printers.write.anycubic.megax

It still works out.

Machine Config

Machine Config is in machine.dhall file.


Contains list of machines

Machines have different perission levels to interact with:

  • disclose: User can see the machine in machine list
  • read: User can read information about the machine and there state
  • write: User can use the machine
  • manage: User can interact with the machine as Manager (Check, ForceFree, ForceTransfer)


machines = 
    Testmachine = 
        name = "Testmachine",
        description = Some "A test machine",
        disclose = "lab.test.read",
        read = "lab.test.read",
        write = "lab.test.write",
        manage = "lab.test.admin"

Roles Config

Roles Config is in roles.dhall file.


Contains list of roles

Roles have a list of permission and can be inherited. Permission can be wildcard in permission list.


roles =
    testrole = 
        permissions = [ "lab.test.*" ]
    somerole =
        parents = ["testparent"],
        permissions = [ "lab.some.admin" ]
    testparent =
        permissions =

Actors Config

Actors Config is in actors.dhall file.


Contains list of actors Actors are defined by a module and one or more paramters

Currenty supported actors: Shelly Parameters: id = ID of the Shelly

Process Parameters: cmd = Path of executable args = Arguments for executable


actors = 
    Shelly_1234 = { module = "Shelly", params = 
        id = "12345"
    Bash = { module = "Process", params =
        cmd = "./examples/actor.sh",
        args = "your ad could be here"


Connects the actor with a machine A machine can have multiple actors Example:

actor_connections = 
    { _1 = "Testmachine", _2 = "Shelly_1234" },
    { _1 = "Another", _2 = "Bash" },
    { _1 = "Yetmore", _2 = "Bash2" }