Aktor: Machine Logger (CSVlog)
Dieser Aktor ist eine Contribution vom Makerspace Bocholt und hat zwei Aufgaben:
- Nutzungszeit erfassen: Alle FabAccess-Events in Bezug zu einer
MaschineRessource (Maschine) mit einem Zeitstempel in einer CSV-Liste speichern, um diese später auswerten zu können (für Abrechnung, Statistik und Co.) - eine MQTT-Nachricht auf der Topic-Basis
erzeugen. DerAktorname
ist dabei die Maschinenbezeichnung mit einem vorgesetzten PräfixLog
Stromerfassung der Aktoren
Alle stromerfassenden Aktoren sind auf Basis von Tasmota Firmware, bzw. verwenden Tasmota MQTT Nachrichten. Über den Befehl PowerHigh 20
in der Tasmota Konsole wird eine Leistungsgrenze festgelegt (in diesem Fall 20 Watt) und sagt uns damit, wann die Ressource für uns auch wirklich in Betrieb ist. Wenn die Ressource genutzt (d.h. > 20 Watt) wird, wird eine MQTT-Nachricht auf tele/<Maschinenname>/MARGINS
mit dem Payload {"MARGINS":{"PowerHigh":"ON"}}
erzeugt. Wenn die Ressource < 20 Watt verbraucht, wird eine MQTT-Nachricht auf tele/<Maschinenname>/MARGINS
mit dem Payload {"MARGINS":{"PowerHigh":"OFF"}}
erzeugt. Auch die etwaige installierte Mehrkanal-Stromerfassung in den Zählerschränken erzeugt ihre Nachrichten gemäß Tasmota-Format (können bei Bedarf aber auch "Shelly" sprechen).
Das machinelog.rs
Skript hat mehrere Funktionen:
- Erfassen, wann die Maschine gebucht (
) und zurückgegeben (GIVEBACK
) wurde. Hierzu werden die log-Nachrichten vom jeweiligen CSVlog Aktor über MQTT ausgewertet - Wenn eine Maschine gebucht wurde, werden die
abgefangen und die Nutzungszeit aufsummiert - Es wird jede angefangene volle Minute der Nutzungszeit eine Nachricht an den jeweiligen FabCounter oder FabReader zur Maschine geschickt (falls montiert)
- Es wird ermittelt, ob eine Maschine eine Support-Ressource (Kompressor, Absaugung, etc.) braucht und ob diese Support-Ressource bei der Buchung oder bei der Nutzung eingeschaltet werden soll, und ob diese Support-Ressource eine Nachlaufzeit benötigt
- Beim Zurückgeben (
) einer Ressource wird die Nutzung in einer CSV-Datei dokumentiert und eventuelle Support-Ressourcen gegebenenfalls hinzugerechnet
mkdir -p /opt/fabinfra/adapters/csvlog/
mkdir -p /opt/fabinfra/adapters/
cd /opt/fabinfra/adapters/csvlog/
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate #activate venv
pip install paho-mqtt
vim /opt/fabinfra/adapters/csvlog/main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import argparse
import paho.mqtt
import paho.mqtt.publish as publish
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from csv import writer
import time
def append_list_as_row(file_name, list_of_elem):
# Open file in append mode
with open(file_name, 'a+', newline='') as write_obj:
# Create a writer object from csv module
csv_writer = writer(write_obj)
# Add contents of list as last row in the csv file
def on_free(args, actor_name):
Function called when the state of the connected machine changes to Free
now = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
# List of strings
row_contents = [now, actor_name, 'leer', 'released']
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
append_list_as_row('log.csv', row_contents)
print("logging event: release")
if not args.quiet:
print("process called with unexpected combo id %s and state 'Reserved'" % actor_name)
def on_use(args, actor_name, user_id):
Function called when an user takes control of the connected machine
user_id contains the UID of the user now using the machine
now = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
# List of strings
row_contents = [now, actor_name, user_id, 'booked']
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
append_list_as_row('log.csv', row_contents)
print("logging event: inUse")
if not args.quiet:
print("process called with unexpected combo id %s and state 'Reserved'" % actor_name)
def on_tocheck(args, actor_name, user_id):
Function called when an user returns control and the connected machine is
configured to go to state `ToCheck` instead of `Free` in that case.
user_id contains the UID of the manager expected to check the machine.
The user that used the machine beforehand has to be taken from the last
user field using the API (via e.g. the mobile app)
now = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
# List of strings
row_contents = [now, actor_name, user_id, 'tocheck']
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
append_list_as_row('log.csv', row_contents)
print("logging event: toCheck")
if not args.quiet:
print("process called with unexpected combo id %s and state 'Reserved'" % actor_name)
def on_blocked(args, actor_name, user_id):
Function called when an manager marks the connected machine as `Blocked`
user_id contains the UID of the manager that blocked the machine
now = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
# List of strings
row_contents = [now, actor_name, user_id, 'blocked']
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
append_list_as_row('log.csv', row_contents)
print("logging event: blocked")
if not args.quiet:
print("process called with unexpected combo id %s and state 'Reserved'" % actor_name)
def on_disabled(args, actor_name):
Function called when the connected machine is marked `Disabled`
now = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
# List of strings
row_contents = [now, actor_name, user_id, 'disabled']
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
append_list_as_row('log.csv', row_contents)
print("logging event: disabled")
if not args.quiet:
print("process called with unexpected combo id %s and state 'Reserved'" % actor_name)
def on_reserve(args, actor_name, user_id):
Function called when the connected machine has been reserved by somebody.
user_id contains the UID of the reserving user.
now = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
# List of strings
row_contents = [now, actor_name, user_id, 'reserved']
# Append a list as new line to an old csv file
append_list_as_row('log.csv', row_contents)
print("logging event: reserved")
if not args.quiet:
print("process called with unexpected combo id %s and state 'Reserved'" % actor_name)
def main(args):
Python example actor
This is an example how to use the `process` actor type to run a Python script.
if args.verbose is not None:
if args.verbose == 1:
print("verbose output enabled")
elif args.verbose == 2:
print("loud output enabled!")
elif args.verbose == 3:
print("LOUD output enabled!!!")
elif args.verbose > 4:
print("Okay stop you're being ridiculous.")
args.verbose = 0
# You could also check the actor name here and call different functions
# depending on that variable instead of passing it to the state change
# methods.
new_state = args.state
if new_state == "free":
on_free(args, args.name)
elif new_state == "inuse":
on_use(args, args.name, args.userid)
elif new_state == "tocheck":
on_tocheck(args, args.name, args.userid)
elif new_state == "blocked":
on_blocked(args, args.name, args.userid)
elif new_state == "disabled":
on_disabled(args, args.name)
elif new_state == "reserved":
on_reserve(args, args.name, args.userid)
print("Process actor called with unknown state %s" % new_state)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Parameters are passed to the Process actor as follows:
# 1. the contents of params.args, split by whitespace as separate args
# 2. the configured id of the actor (e.g. "DoorControl1")
# 3. the new state as one of [free|inuse|tocheck|blocked|disabled|reserved]
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="be less verbose", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="be more verbose", action="count")
help="name of this actor as configured in bffh.dhall"
# We parse the new state using subparsers so that we only require a userid
# in case it's a state that sets one.
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True, dest="state")
parser_free = subparsers.add_parser("free")
parser_inuse = subparsers.add_parser("inuse")
parser_inuse.add_argument("userid", help="The user that is now using the machine")
parser_tocheck = subparsers.add_parser("tocheck")
parser_tocheck.add_argument("userid", help="The user that should go check the machine")
parser_blocked = subparsers.add_parser("blocked")
parser_blocked.add_argument("userid", help="The user that marked the machine as blocked")
parser_disabled = subparsers.add_parser("disabled")
parser_reserved = subparsers.add_parser("reserved")
parser_reserved.add_argument("userid", help="The user that reserved the machine")
args = parser.parse_args()
chown -R bbfh:bffh /opt/fabinfra/adapters/csvlog/